Superior Corporate & Non-Profit Strategies

Financial Strategy Expertise

Here are questions every company should ask themselves when deciding which Third Party Administrator they should go with when choosing their savings plan:

Will it save us money compared to other plans?

Will WCSG help retain employees?

Will WCSG make us more compliant & limit our liability?

Does WCSG have a high-performing plan?

Will using WCSG improve the culture of our company?

Does WCSG work with innovators that are always evolving & lead the pack in market share & leverage for their clients?

Can you compare Cal Savers side by side with private plans and WCSG products/strategies?

Which compliance, liability & bookkeeping responsibilities does WCSG take off the plate of their client's staff?

Still have a question?

Email Us
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Adding our strategies to sit along side your required 401k-like programs provides your organizations the following benefits:

• Key Employee Executive Bonus Plans

More Control Over Investments

Zero Downside Risk & Uncapped Gains

Tax Strategies Superior to 401k-line plans

Employee Saving Incentivized Plans

Increased Morale & Productivity

Access to Wall Street Leverage

Creation of Pension-like Monthly Income in Retirement for ALL

Lower Employee Turnover Costs (recruitment, training, loss of fluidity, time, etc)
In other words, if they believe they have a better chance of a secure retirement than the 401k-like plans, they will have more hope, will save more, & be more productive AND decrease your costs at the same time.


Feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries or to schedule a consultation.



Email us with any questions or for information on quick glance projections.


Call or text the number below to contact one of our partners.
